Monday, June 14, 2010

"Hard to Disobey"

We love the memory David L. McKay recorded about his boyhood trip in a horse-drawn carriage with his father David O. McKay:

"We forded a swollen river in a thunderstorm and got caught between that river and a mountain torrent.  I thought the end of the world had come, and started to cry.  Father held me on his lap in his arms all night until we were rescued in the morning.  It's hard to disobey a man who loves you and puts his arms around you."
From, "The Noble Calling of Parents," Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O McKay, emphasis added.

Doesn't that speak volumes on the subject of discipline?


Vicky said...

A great reminder at the end of a hard parenting day. Thanks.

jeanine said...

Perfect. It's something I've been trying to work on more with James.