Sunday, March 14, 2010

Missionary Week: Part One

Elder Walker, Christian, Moses, Elder Truman

Right after his baptism, Moses, Elder Walker and I were invited to share dinner at a young couple's home. They were curious to hear about Moses's conversion.

"So how did you find the church?"

Moses related the simple but inspiring story: he had been seeking truth and had asked his mother's advice about what he should do. She encouraged him to pray. "And that's how I found these guys," he said, indicating me and my companion.

Elder Walker and I laughed about that comment. Hadn't we found him? Hadn't we been fasting, and praying, and proselyting for months? Hadn't we stopped him on the street?

I still remember that day we met Moses. I remember watching him walk away after he'd given us his phone number. I remember feeling ... curiosity? hope? Something different. Our conversation was the same I'd been through countless times, but there had been a sincerity in Moses that we hadn't seen in anyone else.

We called him later that week. He was baptized about a month later.

I've pondered Moses's story for the past eight years. And I've realized over and over again that Moses was right. He found us. Heavenly Father answered his humble, sincere prayer and graciously allowed Elder Walker and I to be a part of the process. I'm convinced that God will likewise guide all such humble seekers of truth to find his true gospel.

Moses (far right), eight years after his baptism. Still keepin' the faith!

I returned home from my mission to Norway in mid-March 2002. We've thus designated the second week in March as our family missionary week. A time to keep a few Norwegian traditions alive with our children, to make Norwegian food, sing Norwegian songs, tell Norwegian tales. But mostly it's a time to remember Heavenly Father's love for all his children, regardless of language or location, and to remember the Savior's commission to preach the gospel in all the world (Mark 16: 15).

We hope you'll join our celebration! Come back Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week for some missionary related posts!