Sunday, March 28, 2010

Miscellaneous + Happy Easter Week!

So, how awesome was that General Young Women's Meeting last night?!! Did you love Sis. Dalton's and President Uchtdorf's talks as much as I did???????

Now, we told you this blog would be an evolving project, didn't we?

You'll notice that our sidebar art is gone. *Sniff* We assumed that use of church art here on our obscure blog probably fell under the "for incidental, noncommercial use" clause of the copyright policy we didn't read. But today I did read. And the policy says that materials may be used "for incidental, noncommercial church or home purposes with the exception of Web site use." So we hereby repent. (Don't worry, Mom! We're not in trouble with the law! Nobody is calling us on the carpet! Just trying to CTR! Wink). Anyone want to paint us a beautiful picture of the Savior? =)

Also, we vacilate all the time about the structure of this blog. How often to post, what to include, what to just keep on our personal blog, whether or not to open comments etc, etc, so forth. In fact, this morning (you may have read!) we had some changes in mind about (about posting just twice a month, etc). But we've decided to scratch those changes. There's just too much to say - and we have too many guest posts pending (some really good ones - be excited!) to spread it out that much. We had also decided to take the month of April off (because of Conference! Who wants to read blog posts when there are Conference talks to feast on!). But we changed our mind about that too. Because there just isn't a better time to discuss the "reason of [our] hope" than the month of Easter. So we'll see you every week in April.

After all that changing around and changing back and housekeeping (which we know you don't really care to be party to!), I do have a pre-Easter post for today (because someone talked me into it!). But it will have to wait until after Church!