Friday, February 12, 2010

We Wanted to Rent a Good Love Story Last Night

But did you know that Shadowlands is no longer being produced? That you can't buy or even rent a copy anywhere in town? That you have to find it on Amazon and buy it for a million dollars? We didn't know.

It's worth a million dollars, though, isn't it?
"The pain now is part of the happiness then. That's the deal."
Better get it soon! Before it costs two million dollars!
But while you're waiting for your copy to arrive, you might try our other favorite love story,
Have you seen it? You should see it.

Here's why we love both of these. We don't have to recommend them with a disclaimer. There are no scenes to fast forward. Nothing to be insulted by. Wes and I have a really low tolerance for the low brow innuendo and the sometimes sickening sensuality that plague the silver screen these days. And it's getting harder and harder to find good movies without them, isn't it?

So we thought it would be fun to compile a list of favorite romances. Stories that are passionate and moving and devoid of inappropriate content. Do you have any favorites?

Cause we still want to rent a movie. =)


Unknown said...

ah! I found a copy of SL at DI several years ago and bought idea it would be such a treasure...shall I mail it your way?

Unknown said...

life is beautiful is also a fav

lori said...

Amy! I totally forgot about Life is Beautiful!! Wes and I even have history with that movie and I completely forgot about it!! Thanks, dear!

Ano no! KEEP & TREASURE you copy of SL! But we'll have to all watch it together sometime =)

Lessa said...

Ack! Shadowlands made me bawl my eyes out when I watched it. I felt so traumatized. However, I'm going to try and watch it again and see if I can handle it this time...

Star said...

One of my favorites is Wild Hearts Can't be Broken. You may have seen it, but it's a good one. Romantic, inspiring, and rated G. Enjoy!

Vicky said...

Did you check the library? I just put a copy of Shadowlands on hold at mine. (I've actually never heard of it, so thanks for recommending a good movie.) I'm a fan of You've Got Mail, and the other day I watched the movie it's based on, The Shop Around the Corner (with James Stewart). Very cute. My mother-in-law loves Random Harvest. I think I cried at the end of that one. Hope you find a good one!

heath said...

I'm still a sucker for Emma and Pride and Prejudice, although I've found the men folk don't seem to enjoy them quite as much as us girls. And though it's harder for me to watch straight through anymore, I love Anne of Green Gables.

One I saw fairly recently is Miss Potter. The first time I saw it I totally cried. Royce found it a little boring, but I still love it.

Mara Hinton said...

Lori! I hope you don't mind that I found your blogs. I was an RA in S Hall, back when Marianne was the hall advisor and Kristen and Lessa were RA's. I saw your blogs on Kristen's and Marianne's, so I thought I'd look at them both. What a beautiful family you have!

Sorry, having said that, I would like to add to the list. The Scarlet Pimpernel is a great classic. And a more recent favorite is Ever After. Have a great movie night! :)

jeanine said...

I"m going to have to get me a copy of Shadowlands! Sabrina is a good one. Fiddler on the Roof. LOVE Life is Beautiful. Oh. And Return to Me. I have a feeling that I'm missing an important one... I'll be back if I can remember it.

B said...

LOVE your taste, Lori! Shadowlands and Jane Eyre are way up on my list as well. If we lived closer, you could borrow our copy of Shadowlands anytime you'd like. Have you seen the Jane Eyre version with Timothy Dalton as Mr. Rochester? That one's my favorite version though I haven't met a Jane Eyre movie I haven't liked yet. :)

Also a fan of the other movies listed here. A few others I would add are Persuasion (with Ciaran Hinds), A Walk in the Clouds, The Princess Bride, and Maytime (it's an old black & white operetta with Jeanette Macdonald and Nelson Eddy--maybe the library would have it?).

Wendy said...

Pride and Prejudice (I like the new version but the A&E version is my favorite!) , Sense and Sensibility, Kate and Leopold, You've Got Mail, and Ever After are a few that come to mind. They always cheer me up and make me all giddy inside when I watch them, and though BJ would never admit it, I know he likes these ones too!

Marie W said...

Lori - I don't know that it's a Valentines' rental, but because I share your love for Masterpiece Classics, let me without hesitation recommend a series called "Cranford." Delightful characters, wonderful story, though I do admit it to be a tearjerker b/c some beloved characters don't make it...

Any P&P fans would LOVE it! Judi Dench is one of the main characters, and she is FABULOUS.

suzy said...

Howard's End and North and South. (Even thought I'm sitting right here...just so you remember :)

B said...

Forgot one--"Love Comes Softly" is another one I love. There are probably 5 or 6 movies in the Love Comes Softly series but the first one is my favorite.

Amen to Cranford--delightful.

Greg said...

I have to add a couple of my nice, clean favorites, too.
I do love all of the new BBC Jane Austen movies...I'm still watching the new Emma (finding time is always the challenge). I also love The Importance of Being Ernest and An Ideal Husband. Greg likes them, too!