Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Godhead: An Overview

in God the Eternal Father,
and in His son, Jesus Christ,
and in the Holy Ghost.

I've been loving those words this week - 'specially the way they sound coming from my four year old's mouth. This week Lucy's been preparing a Primary talk about the first Article of Faith. So we've talked a lot about it. And I've t h o u g h t a lot about it. Teaching a child makes you evaluate everything you believe, doesn't it?

The conclusion: there is much to say! We'll have to take this topic of the Godhead in chunks. Here is Lucy with an introductory overview (i.e. her Primary talk. Please note that this is a practice performance. In her pajamas. And please don't be fooled into believing that the actual delivery in church happened without a good amount of prodding and patience. Turns out, testifying to stuffed animals and little brothers is easier than speaking in front of peers. =).

The first of March, we'll dive deeper into these doctrines of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
But today, there's one other thing. A little memory in the back of my mind that begs recording.