Sunday, August 8, 2010


You know how life is crazy?
You know how consistent, meaningful scripture study is hard to come by?
You know how that's sometimes frustrating?

I know I feel frustrated by that sometimes as a young mom.
Because praying and studying are how we connect, right?  They are the means we use to commune with our Father in Heaven.  Yes, they are.

But President Uchtdorf taught a profound truth two conferences ago in his talk on "The Love of God."
It's a truth I have treasured as a mother of small children:

"Listen for the voice of the Father in the bounties and beauties of nature, in the gentle whisperings of the Spirit.  In your daily interactions with others, in the words of a hymn, in the laughter of a child, listen for His voice."

In the laughter of  child.

Scripture study is so necessary.
And private, quiet prayer is truly powerful. 
Neither are to be neglected.

But when I fall asleep during my evening prayers or on top of my good intentions, Pres. Uchtdorf's words bring me comfort. They remind me that I can find my Father in Heaven in other moments, too. I can find him in the love and laughter of my children.  I just have to listen.


Heather B said...

Thanks. I love this.

Marci said...

I know that is true, thank you for putting that into such beautiful words! Love you Lori!!

Gail said...
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Gail said...

Dear Lori,
This was a tender entry. And I did not remember President Uchtdorf's words which are beautiful. Thank you for sharing so openly with us.

jeanine said...

well said. Thanks for the reminder.

Lindsay said...

Thanks, Lori. I needed this today.

DeAnna Packer said...

Hmmm, beautifully said. It is too easy to become distracted away from his sweet, simple, meaningful lessons of life.
Love you too!