Sunday, July 4, 2010

God Bless America

"[Many places] have special meaning not so much for the soil or brick itself but because of what has happened (or will yet happen) there.

'...From lowest place when virtuous things proceed, the place is dignified by the doer’s deed,' said Shakespeare. (All’s Well That Ends Well, II. iii. 123–24.)

The most sacred of places, then, will always be those locations which God has designated for holy and eternal purposes, locations where he is the 'doer of the deed.' ...America is such a place."  Jeffrey R. Holland, "A Promised Land," July 1976

(The whole talk is worth a read, friends!  Happy 4th!)


Grandma lu said...

Lehi's prophesy that (paraphrase) all who come to the this land are brought by the hand of the Lord, and that unto the righteous it will be blessed forever, affirms that this land is blessed for all that has happened and will happen here and so are we.

DeAnna Packer said...

And our continual prayer remains that we preserve and protect this land of promise.. May we remain faithful to the Almighty.

Happy I remembered to 'check in' on these in depth writings!